Succeedin’s online PE & Sport impact writer Legacy gets National Qualification Recognition.
Succeedin can today announce that it is delighted to be working with VisionED and Founder Martin Radmore. VisionED provides schools and teachers with award-winning, accredited qualifications, CPD and consultancy services to ensure all pupils benefit from enjoyable, experiential and compelling learning.
The partnership aims to support as many pupils, teachers and schools by combining practical, theory and the use of technology as a vehicle to evidence and celebrate the effective spending of the PE & Sports premium.
Martin Radmore, Founder of VisionED – the Primary PE Experts is delighted to be working with Legacy – the online Impact Report Writer and Succeedin, the people behind this great tool.
With all primary schools in England receiving PE and Sport Premium there is a real need not only for full accountability of public funds but accurate reporting of the impact of these funds, the difference they make to our children and young people. Legacy allows for all of this and through the vision of Succeedin, this unique and powerful reporting tool is totally FREE for schools to use.
Our vision is for every primary school to have a well-informed, well-supported, passionate advocate for PE, play, physical activity and school sport who works to develop the role of PE and empowers their colleagues to deliver high quality PE. We believe that Legacy will help drive this vision providing a powerful tool for change management. It aligns with our vision and values. The team at Succeedin share our vision and drive and therefore we are announcing a partnership with Succeedin and Legacy. We see this partnership as a natural collaboration.
It is our opinion that all schools should use the online impact report writer, Legacy so that they can build a clear and accurate picture of how their school is using the funding to meet the five key indicators and more beside. However, if all schools used Legacy, we could build the same picture on the larger scale of how all schools are using their funding and make informed, evidence-based decisions to support schools further. Facilitating this national picture will help advocate the benefit of government spend and why it should continue or perhaps be more targeted based on interrogatable data and evidence. Everyone potential benefits through clarity, focus and less time spent trying to collate and compare.
The other reason we are so keen on Legacy is the ability for this tool to save teachers time whilst still ensuring that they can provide accurate reports to fulfil their responsibilities under the terms and conditions of the grant. This means that teachers can spend more time doing what they do best – teaching and inspiring children and young people. Therefore, we will be working in partnership with Succeedin to encourage a greater engagement with Legacy.
We will embed this FREE to access tool in our training and our national qualifications portfolio’s as they provide evidence of impact and implementation.
It is always great to be working in partnership with others who share your passion and vision for physical education, physical activity, play and school sport. We look forward to working more closely with Succeedin in the future working together to support primary schools and physical education, physical activity and school sport (PEPASS). Martin Radmore – Director, VisionED – the Primary PE Experts
Speaking about the new the partnership, David Hazelgrove Succeedin’s Curriculum Director says “this partnership is a great opportunity for us to work with Martin whose expertise and understanding of primary physical education was a key factor in working together.
His passion for supporting teachers and PE leads is something shared by ourselves and through his accredited qualifications we are excited to be embedding our free management platform and LEGACY, our online PE & Sports impact writer into the course content.
From the moment we met and talked about the current primary PE landscape it was clear that we had a common goal that could be enhanced by working together collaboratively, something I am very excited about developing.”
For further details on Succeedin, VisionED and Legacy, email david@succeedin.co.uk or martinradmore@visioned.org.uk